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Memo Ureta, Certified Rolfer®
        Massage Therapist

"Rolfing® Structural Integrations intention is to create space to allow the body to heal itself."

Hi I'm Memo, I help people get relief from Pain

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What is Rolfing®?

       More than fifty years ago, Dr. Ida Rolf recognized that the body is naturally a system of seamless networks of tissue rather than a collection of separate parts. Rolfing® Structural Integration is a form of body work that recognizes the connective tissue, called fascia, that passes through the entire body. These connective tissues surround, support and penetrate all of the muscles, bones, nerves and organs. Rolfing Structural Integration works on this web-like complex of connective tissues to release, realign and balance the whole body, thus potentially resolving discomfort, reducing compensations and alleviating pain. Rolfing SI aims to restore flexibility, revitalize your energy and leave you feeling more comfortable in your body.

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Benefits of Rolfing®

   Rolfing® Structural Integrations intention is to create space to allow the body to heal itself.

Overtime we develop patterns that hold us back from maintaining correct form so that we can move with ease throughout life. Sometimes these patterns cause pain because they create tension in areas above or below while the body is working to restore balance. Picture a wetsuit underneath your skin. This wetsuit is your connective tissue which now and then gets bunched up. Rolfing® stretches the wetsuit, where it is bunched up, freeing the area for the purpose of allowing the wetsuit to fit better. With added wiggle room comes refined patterns of movement and a significant reduction of chronic stress. It is a non-pharmacological therapy option for managing pain.

  • Better posture

  • More balance & stability

  • A sense of lightness in the body

  • Ease of breath

  • Decrease of tension and pain resulting from tension

  • Faster recovery from exertion

  • Freer and more fluid movement

  • Improved flexibility

  • Better joint movement and range of motion

  • Improved athletic performance

  • A calmer mind

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